Agoes Rudianto
At least one million Indonesians suffer from mental disorders. Of this number, at least 30,000 are bound by chains or kept in cages – despite a law dating back to the 1970s outlawing such practices. The law is routinely violated by the families of sufferers, as well as local public health officers,…
Jan-March 2018

Rony Zakaria
Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation and Islamic education is common among young Indonesian students, whether it be in public or private schools. In fact, religion, like math, science, history and other subjects, is part of the national curriculum. One of the most crucial…

Toto Santiko
A group of children are engrossed in a drawing contest, using a multitude of bold colors as they scrawl out their vision of pencak silat, Indonesia’s ancient martial art, on pieces of white paper. Not far away, the real thing is about to begin. The worthy ancestors of the Indonesian nation always…
July-Sep 2017

Ed Wray
The popularity of the street photography genre, which is a kind of stylized candid photography of the daily life around you, is on the rise. Although street photography has been around and popularized by photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson since the early days of photography, I think the recent…

Toto Santiko
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder. Symptoms can include hallucinations, delusions, apathy, disorganized thinking – and even suicidal tendencies. In Indonesia, however, sufferers rarely get the medical attention they need. Instead, they are kept out of sight by their families, in some…