A Vital Voice
After publishing its first issue in August 2011 –with a lead essay by President SusiloBambangYudhoyono – Strategic Review quickly became Indonesia's most prominent journal of leadership, policy and world affairs. The journal is sought after by academics, government officials, embassies and leading business groups in Indonesia and abroad because of the depth of its coverage and the credibility of its distinguished authors and thinkers.
This is something new for Indonesia: a policy journal in English that aims to expand the reach of the country's top thinkers and engage with the world. Strategic Review reflects the country's economic health and rising role in world affairs and it is broadening the debate in Indonesia on government policies, critical issues and future trends. For those who need to know about the future of Indonesia, Strategic Review is essential reading.
Given its editorial independence, Strategic Review's analysis is both credible and far-reaching. With more than half the quarterly journal devoted to Indonesia, we also include issues of regional and global significance. In addition, we encourage policy discussion on specific issues like disaster management, religious tolerance, counter-terrorism, conflict resolution and crisis-management.
We ourselves don't subscribe to any particular position or ideology, except maybe that all ideas and opinions are welcome and should be disseminated to the widest possible audience.
On a parallel track, we have also established the Strategic Review Forum, a venue to exchange ideas through live debates and lectures. At the launch of the Strategic Review Forum in July 2012, we chose reconciliation and peace in Southeast Asia as our topic, featuring former President Jose Ramos Horta of Timor Leste, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and former Prime Minister ThaksinShinawatra of Thailand. In New York in September 2012, we co-sponsored a discussion on emerging economies that featured President Yudhoyono and a panel that included senior UN diplomat LakhdarBrahimi and financier and philanthropist George Soros. Discussions in Jakarta have tackled US policy in Asia, religious tolerance and health care reform.
Hassan Wirajuda